Wednesday 11 May 2016

Ladies who run NATC

Here's a picture of the ladies of NATC and I would like to pay a tribute to the women who help things to run smoothly. 

Musu Freeman is my daughter Kavita's Nanny but she's also our Office Assistant. She came on board last year around May or June. She's helped us with filing, cleaning, checking the generator's fuel level, marking LEC readings, running between the residence and office, and, even goes to buy fuel for both our generators. She brings me endless cups of tea, too. She is extremely efficient and, without her, things are slow because no one knows how to do what she does so quietly without making the fuss that guys do! 

Rita is our Trainee and she's joined NATC in September or October last year 2015. She's helped out with regular maintenance, call outs, and installations. She's been handling the Prisons Software project solo. And, of course, she helps with office cleaning and guests too.

And, then there's Kavita without whom our office would be dull, cheerless and boring.  

Here's to the women of NATC!

Left to right: Musu (Nanny/Office Assistant), Rita (IT Trainee), Kavita (Chief Techie) and Farzana (CEO)

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