Friday 28 February 2014

Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy. And Cables!

Contributed by Luca Varaschini 

No matter my complete ignorance as for what concerns networking etc., Haresh invited me to the site where his team was working: the boys were all over the first floor of a newly-built (and unfinished) building at MoLME, stting up two training-halls and a server-room.

These are some of the things I saw and understood :)

Above each of this little plastic boxes will be a desk. Every desk will have a computer. In front of every computer will be a person, learning computer things.

Funny to see how my country follows me everywhere I go: these guys make long plastic things that the boys use to hide/protect the cables running along walls, ceilings and floors.

The network Overlord understands networking, but doesn't seem to find things on his cellphone  

OK, i know what one might think, seeing this picture.. No, it isn't as it seems: NATC does not require its employees to wear colorful horizontal-striped tees as a uniform! Daniel (in front, thinking "hasn't this italian man something better to do than staying in the way?"), Joshua (clipping little plastic terminals at the end of infinite cables) and Johnathan (hiding from the useless italian and his camera) in the Server-room. un-tangling a dish of spaghetti seems easier, at least to me! 

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