Wednesday 3 November 2010

Which L-O-G-O?

Now that we have a new website, a change in name and a clearer overall business direction, we need a new logo. 

A logo is as important as a website for our company's image, perhaps even more so. A customer will not visit our website every day but will certainly be seeing our logo much more frequently. A logo appears on paper work such as invoices and proposals, on ID cards and business cards as well. Given its close association in all our communication to our customers and even the wider public, I need to have a sharp, funky and highly 'talkative' logo.

If you look at well-known logos, you realise they are instantly recognisable and effective because they are quite simple. Hence, we need a 'talkative' logo that can convey a lot about the company it represents. In the words of my friend who also has her own business, the logo needs to work across our "marketing collateral."  

We were fortunate enough to get help on logos from a friend who is a graphic designer and has generously given a lot of her energy and time. We also commissioned some logo ideas from a graphic designer in India. 

Here is their hard work and creativity:

1 comment:

  1. I really like the 1st, 3d and 7th logos. The 1st and 3d I think go best w/ the new look and feel of the new website. My 2 cents


